Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Some Beaded Pendants

This will be a really quick blog entry due to my lack of free time. So I made these beaded pendants for a project in English class. The project was creating visual representations of four types of government. Each one represents Socialism, Capitalism, or Communism. The Fascism pendant was purposely made deformed and I didn't find it worth selling. Here they are:


All three of them are for sale in my Etsy Shop. Just something new. No worries, I didn't actually turn these in. You won't be buying something that could have been damaged. I only turned in pictures since that's what she was expecting anyway.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Cascading Necklace and Earrings Set

A brand new set of engineered pearls in the form a a cascading/ layered necklace and earrings. You can find it here: here. They're quite beautiful in my opinion and I'm very proud of them. The necklace was heck of hard to measure though....

Saturday, February 1, 2014

A new pair of earrings!

So I made and posted my first pair of earrings for sale! *Party* You can see the wonderful little hoops here! They're super simple and minimalist with small faceted briolette beads. And I'd definitely like some opinions on how they're displayed. I've seen a bunch of people hanging earrings of cups and bowls so I thought I'd try it.